Congress President Bhupen Kumar Borah has accused the Assam Police, CBI, and ED of political bias following the registration of a case against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi over his recent controversial remarks. Gandhi’s statement, made during the inauguration of ‘Indira Bhavan’ in Guwahati, claimed that he was fighting the BJP, RSS, and the Indian State.
Borah criticized the Assam Police for acting as a tool of the BJP, highlighting the lack of action on complaints filed against Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma’s alleged communal speeches. He pointed out that while a case was quickly registered against Gandhi, no similar urgency was shown in addressing the complaints against Sarma.
“Despite filing three complaints about communal speeches by Himanta Biswa Sarma, no case has been registered. This indicates that the Assam Police is functioning under the influence of the BJP,” Borah said.
The controversy erupted after Gandhi’s remarks on January 15, 2025, during the Congress Party’s new headquarters inauguration in Delhi. Gandhi stated, “The BJP and RSS have captured every single institution, and we are now fighting the BJP, the RSS, and the Indian State itself,” which led to an FIR filed by complainant Monjit Chetia. Chetia alleged that Gandhi’s comments posed a serious threat to national security and could stir separatism.
Borah also raised concerns over the CBI and ED’s failure to act on allegations against Sarma related to the Saradha chit fund scam, questioning the impartiality of the agencies in their investigations.
The growing controversy has sparked further political tension, with the opposition accusing state authorities and central agencies of selective and politically motivated actions, deepening the divide between the ruling BJP and the opposition in Assam.