Karanveer Mehra, winner of Bigg Boss 18, shared a heartfelt Instagram story on Sushant Singh Rajput’s birthday, expressing his wish that Sushant were still around. Sushant’s sister, Shweta Singh Kirti, also remembered him with an emotional video tribute.
Karanveer Mehra, the winner of Bigg Boss 18, marked the birthday of the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput with a heartfelt Instagram story. Sharing a throwback photo, Karan wrote that he wishes Sushant were around. Sharing the photo, Karanveer wrote, “I wish you were here to see this bhai.”
Back in December, in a heartfelt episode of Bigg Boss 18, emotions ran high as journalist Saurabh Dwivedi visited the house to interact with the contestants. During his one-on-one session with Karan Veer Mehra, a deeply emotional side of the actor was revealed when he spoke about his close bond with the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
When asked about Sushant, Karan took a moment to reflect and expressed immense gratitude for the support the actor provided him during a tough phase in his life. Sharing his memories, Karan revealed that he met Sushant in 2014 at a time when he was feeling low and struggling. “Sushant was not just a friend; he was family,” he said.
Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead in his Mumbai apartment on June 14, 2020. While some suspected to be a case of death by suicide, others had alleged foul play. His sister has been fighting for justice ever since. Later in June, on the occasion of the actor’s death anniversary, she “pleaded” authorities to probe what happened on June 14, 2020, and shared that she feels like giving up now.
Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti too remembered her late actor-brother on the occasion of his birth anniversary. On Tuesday, Shweta took to her Instagram handle and shared a video, which was a compilation of SSR’s adorable moments. In the caption of her post, Shweta penned down an emotional note and celebrated her brother’s legacy. She called him a “star, dreamer and the legend”.
“Your light continues to shine in the hearts of millions. You weren’t just an actor; you were a seeker, a thinker, a soul filled with boundless curiosity and love. From the universe you admired to the dreams you so fearlessly pursued, you taught us all to reach beyond limits, to wonder, to question, and to love deeply,” she wrote.