A Gauhati High Court advocate on Tuesday filed an FIR against Akash Phukan, a local leader affiliated to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from Assam’s Bokakhat for using abusive language against state education minister Ranoj Pegu. An audio recording went viral in which Phukan can be heard abusing Pegu and calling him out for incompetence.
In the viral audio clip, Phukan can be heard hurling abuses at Ranoj Pegu and repeatedly pointing out his incompetence in running the education department. “Ranoj Pegu is not my leader. My leader is Himanta Biswa Sarma,” he can be heard saying.
Additionally, he also claimed that BJP’s Lok Sabha MP from Assam, Kamakhya Prasad Tasa has taken Rs 20 lakh from him. “Leave out Ranoj Pegu. Only two people from the BJP have a right over the Dergaon constituency and one of them is Kamakhya Prasad Tasa. He took Rs 20 lakh from me, but that is a different matter,” Phukan can be heard saying.
What Happened?
The incident has brought to light the lack of values in the next cohort of BJP leaders. This was after a contractor named Gobin Pegu won a tender for the construction of a bridge. Akash Phukan claimed that his influence led to Pegu getting the tender and sought commission from him. When he did not get the commission, Phukan let out a barrage of expletives at education minister Ranoj Pegu.
Meanwhile, his derogatory comments have led to the Mising community banning Phukan from entering Mising-dominated regions of Assam. On his part, Phukan has apologized for his comments, however, awaits action from the party.
Watch it here.