Higher Education Minister R. Bindu has announced the launch of a comprehensive review of the syllabi of the four-year undergraduate programmes (FYUGP) prepared by various universities in the State. A dedicated portal will be launched for students, teachers, and the general public to provide feedback on the syllabi.
Speaking at a review meeting conducted for FYUPG here on Thursday, Dr. Bindu explained that the review would take place at both the university and State level, under the leadership of the Kerala State Higher Education Council. The feedback gathered through the portals will be considered by the respective Boards of Studies, following which each university will adopt necessary steps to revise and improve their syllabi accordingly.
She added that a State-level review of key courses will be conducted under the leadership of Suresh Das, chairman of the Kerala State Curriculum Committee for Higher Education.
Dr. Bindu also said that training programmes will be organised for teachers in government, aided, and self-financing colleges. These programmes will be coordinated by the newly launched Centre of Excellence for Teaching Learning and Training.
In addition to curriculum revisions, the FYUGP monitoring committee has been entrusted with preparing a standard operating procedure for facilitating inter-university and inter-college transfers, ‘N-1’ semester system, and online courses.