Assam Police have seized 11,100 bottles of Codeine-based cough syrup, valued at Rs 2 crore, from a vehicle near Damcherra in the Cachar district. The operation, conducted on Friday, was based on credible intelligence and is part of the state’s ongoing efforts to combat illegal drug trafficking.
Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma praised the Cachar Police’s swift action in a post on X (formerly Twitter), stating, “Based on credible intelligence, an anti-narcotics operation was conducted by @Cachar Police near Damcherra, where a vehicle transporting illegal substances was intercepted. Upon a thorough search, 11,100 bottles of Codeine-based cough syrup were recovered.”
This bust is part of a broader anti-drug initiative by Assam Police, with major drug seizures made in recent years. In 2024 alone, the police have already seized 183 kg of heroin and other narcotics worth Rs 682.44 crore. In previous years, the state seized drugs worth Rs 420.17 crore in 2021, Rs 784.55 crore in 2022, and Rs 742.09 crore in 2023.
In addition to drug enforcement, Assam Police have also intensified their crackdown on child marriage. Between 2021 and 2024, authorities arrested 5,978 individuals and registered 6,361 cases, with 5,577 charge sheets filed.
Chief Minister Sarma also noted a significant reduction in overall crime rates, with total crime cases dropping from 1,33,239 in 2021 to 49,966 in 2024. Crimes against women and SC/ST communities have also decreased during this period.