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Abbas Alizada Aka Afghan Bruce: ‘It Is Difficult To Be An Actor In A War-Torn Country’

In Entertainment
January 28, 2025

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Abbas Alizada is popularly known as Afghan Bruce Lee because of their uncanny resemblance. In this conversation with CNN-News 18, the upcoming actor opens up about his Indian debut with the film Bloodline.

Abbas Alizada opens up about his Indian debut with the film Bloodline.

Abbas Alizada might not be a popular name, but you might have chanced upon his video during one of those doom scrolls, and his moniker ‘Afghan Bruce Lee’ might ring a bell. Alizada’s video went viral back in 2015 when social media had its boom across the world. He doesn’t only look like Bruce Lee, but he moves, fights, and screams like the Chinese icon, which is uncanny, to say the least. When his videos went viral, Abbas was a 22-year-old youngster who clawed onto his few minutes of fame, which has now made him an actor. He is looking forward to his acting debut in India with the film Bloodline, an Indo-British collaboration, extensively shot in Kerala.

Bloodline, a thriller drama, follows the story of Bella, a police officer from Sydney, trying to find her lost sister in Kerala. Abbas plays the role of a martial artist, who helps Bella to save the missing person from a formidable force. The film is set to be released in February, and CNN-News 18 Showsha caught up with Abbas to chat about his career, his war-torn country, and more. Check out excerpts from the interview here:

When did you realize that you wanted to emulate Bruce Lee?

I think it was 2013. My friends told me that I look like Bruce Lee. I didn’t realize that I looked like him. However, I started my martial arts training even at the age of 12. That began even before I realized I looked like Bruce Lee. But of course, Bruce Lee is my childhood hero. And still, he’s my hero. His character, his philosophy, his philosophy on martial arts, those things attract me a lot.

How has been the journey as an actor, hailing from a war-torn country?

It’s difficult to grow up over there. It’s extremely difficult to be an actor in a war-torn country. I mean, there’s a lot of things going on in Afghanistan. So one thing that I have learned in my life is to never give up on your dreams. That’s how you can achieve your dreams. You can achieve what you want if you never give up. So for me, it doesn’t matter that my country is war-torn. For me, the most important thing is to achieve the dreams that I want. And I kept chasing… keep chasing my dreams. And I’m just achieving my dreams. So I’m very proud of myself that I never gave up in my life.

Tell us about your role in Bloodline.

I play a character named Lee in our film Bloodline. It is a supporting role, and I help Bella, the protagonist, on her journey to India to rescue her sister.

Do you like Indian films? Do you have any favourites? 

Of course, you know, Indian films are very popular in the Western world. To be honest, I grew up with Indian films, you know, I watched a lot of Indian films. All artists in India are stars. So I can’t pick a favourite, because they really work hard. So I admire all of them, I respect all of them.

Is being Afghan Bruce limiting? Are you typecast to certain roles? 

To be honest, yeah, it has a lot of limitations. But for me, it doesn’t matter what people say or what kind of limitation I have to face with this. I didn’t say to myself that I am Afghan Bruce Lee. It was a favour from the media in Afghanistan and around the world. They put a title on me. Of course, no one can be Bruce Lee. He is a legend. There is only one. But I’m just following in his footsteps.

Do you ever hope to go back to your country? 

Yes, of course. I can’t forget my homeland. I’m hoping to go back to Afghanistan one day if the situation is bettert’s my dream to go back one day to visit my homeland again and visit my friends, relatives, and my mom. She is in Afghanistan at the moment. So, it’s my dream to go back one day if the situation is suitable for me. Now, the situation is not suitable for me to go back.

What is something that you learned from Bruce Lee that you treasure and that has helped you in tough times? 

One of his quotes was, “Be water, my friend.” I think if you think deeply about this quote, you can understand what he was trying to say. Being like water. It means you have to be flexible. In everything in life, you have to be flexible. This is the most powerful quote from Bruce Lee that taught me a lot of things. Water can crash and can do anything. So I want to be like water.

What are your other projects? What are you looking at other than Bloodline? 

I’m working on some projects in the UK, but I can’t share anything in the media because it’s a secret. But I’m working on a big project at the moment. So I’m sorry that I can’t share a lot of things because it’s a secret.

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