With the fag end of the crop season, the prices of the cardamom is showing a reverse trend. The recent average price of ₹2,800 per kg was quoted in the auction at Spices Park, Puttady, on Monday. In the morning auction held by Header Systems Limited, the average price was ₹2,802, while the maximum price quoted was ₹3,040. Of the 45,721 kg of cardamom that arrived, 41,290 kg were sold. In the evening auction held by Sugandhagiri Spices Promoters and Traders, 48,303 kg arrived, and 44,872 kg was sold. The average price was quoted at ₹2,810 per kg, and the maximum price was quoted at ₹3,032 per kg. According to farmers, within three weeks, the average price of cardamom dropped by ₹250 per kg. According to vendors, the highest average price in the season was quoted ₹3,169 per kg on January 7. The farmers expected the average price to touch ₹3,500 in the last week of January. But the market showed a reverse trend.
Joshy Joseph, Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Spice More Trading Company in Kumily, said that with the Ramadan season approaching next month, an upward price increase is typically expected.
“However, traders are facing cash flow challenges, as payments are often delayed, and many are receiving only partial settlements for their sales. The absence of strong export orders is further pressuring the market, raising anxiety within the farming community. Furthermore, as the harvesting season draws to a close, we anticipate a limited yield from the new crop. The coming weeks will be critical in determining whether the market stabilises or continues to decline, noted Mr. Joseph.
Stany Pothen, the chairman of the Cardamom Planters Federation, said the planters and farmers worried over the fall in the price of cardamom.
“In the coming months, fewer crops will be arriving in the market, and the market must show a positive trend. But the market is showing a reverse trend. The price fall and ongoing climate condition adds a threat to cardamom-growing areas in the district,” noted Mr. Pothen.