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Deoni breed research centre in Bidar gets award

In India
January 29, 2025
Deoni breed research centre in Bidar gets award

The National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal, Haryana, has selected the Livestock Research and Information Center (Deoni) in Bidar for the National Level Breed Conservation Award.

Director of Research, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, B.V. Shivaprakash and Associate Professor and Head, LRIC(D), Prakash Kumar Rathod received the award recently.

National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources has recognised the Deoni breed as an authentic Indian breed. It has praised the Deoni research centre for its activities to preserve the breed, documenting its specialities and spreading awareness about it among the farming community and supporting Deoni farmers with extension activities.

The centre has implemented a project, “Field Performance Recording of Deoni cattle in Bidar district of Karnataka”, in 21 villages of Aurad and Bhalki taluks. Under this project, basic data about field performance is collected from more than 500 Deoni cattle rearing farmers covering more than 5,200 head of Deoni cattle. The centre has introduced Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer Technology yielding eight calves so far.

It has set up a fodder museum which consists of 35 different varieties of fodder. It has supplied bull calves to various government agencies in Karnataka and Maharashtra. It has produced 2.80 lakh frozen semen doses. It has reared and auctioned 300 animals, said a release from Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University Vice-Chancellor K.C. Veeranna.
