The Palakkad Management Association (PMA) held an inclusive entrepreneurship summit here over the weekend. Inaugurating the summit, Rahul Mamkootathil, MLA, shared his entrepreneurial experience and asserted that fight against odds was a must for one’s growth.
The PMA organised different sessions with the objective of transforming women, differently abled, transgender persons and autistic persons into entrepreneurs. Social worker Uma Preman, women rights activist Brinda Adige, trainer Bindu, motivation speaker Dhanya Ravi, women entrepreneurs Geeta Saleesh, Radhika, Anuja Basheer, Ranjita Rahul, economist Manu Francis, District Industries Centre representative Rahmathali A.K., Surya Thankam from Kerala Startup Mission, and R. Rahul from the Kerala Institute for Entrepreneurship Development addressed the summit.
PMA president P. Sivadasan presided over the function. Vinitha Joseph, P. Premnath and Rajeev Ramnath led different sessions.
Leading woman entrepreneur Alamelu Subramaniam from Athachi group was felicitated at the function. PMA former heads B. Jayarajan and Sumesh Menon spoke.