Vivian Dsena’s success party on Tuesday night saw several prominent figures from the entertainment industry in attendance, including Ankita Lokhande, Munawar Faruqui, and many of Vivian’s housemates from Bigg Boss 18, such as Edin Rose, Eisha Singh, and Avinash Mishra. At the party, Vivian’s friends also interacted with the media and spoke about the BB18 finale and who was a more deserving winner. Watch the interaction right here. bollywood news | entertainment news live | latest bollywood news | bollywood | news18 | n18oc_moviesLiked the video? Please press the thumbs up icon and leave a comment. Subscribe to Showsha YouTube channel and never miss a video: Showsha on Instagram: Showsha on Facebook: Showsha on X: Showsha on Snapchat: entertainment and lifestyle news and updates on: