Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) leaders, including Mede Rajeev Sagar, Dudimetla Bala Raju, Palle Ravi Kumar Goud and Ramchandru Naik met with Nalgonda SP Sharat Chandra Pawar on Wednesday, urging him to take action against those who attacked former BRS MLA Kancharla Bhupal Reddy in Nalgonda on Tuesday.
The BRS leaders condemned the attack on Bhupal Reddy, who is differently-abled and announced that they would bring the incident to the notice of the National Human Rights Commission and the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities. Mr. Sagar criticised the Congress government, stating that illegal arrests of BRS leaders and attacks by Congress goons have become routine.
The BRS leaders also announced plans to organise a Mahadharna at the Nalgonda Clock Tower on January 28 to raise awareness about the issues faced by farmers and to bring them to the government’s notice.