Bharat Rashtra Samithi working president K.T. Rama Rao mocked Telangana government for signing MoUs with Hyderabad-based companies in Davos, Switzerland. Bhongir MP and Congress leader Chamala Kiran Reddy accused KTR of being jealous of Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy and his team attracting investments to the State.
KTR’s post on X
In a post on ‘X’, KTR said, “What is “innovative thinking”? Making Hyderabad-based companies travel all the way, thousands of miles to Davos, Switzerland and announce them as investments ! Elect a clown, expect a circus.”
KTR added a few pictures of Indian companies signing the MoUs with the Telangana government with the tagline ‘MoUs that could be signed over a chai in Hyderabad now need Swiss Hot Chocolate.’
In response to KTR’s post, the Bhongir MP said a man with a negative mind finds fault with even in good and asked whether Indian or Hyderabad based companies were not good enough to go to Davos to expand their horizon.
In a post on ‘X’, Mr. Kiran Reddy said “You claim to be a promoter of Telangana, and yet you consistently try to undermine its progress and don’t want to see any entrepreneur from Hyderabad in a place like #Davos2025. You cannot digest the fact that Telangana under the able leadership of A. Revanth Reddy and Minister D. Sridhar Babu are successfully attracting investments.”
He further added that KTR had no objections when he as the IT Minister signed deals with Indian companies in Davos but suddenly had an issue when the Telangana government did the same. “Do you not understand that platforms like Davos exist for companies to explore global opportunities?”
“If Hyderabad-based companies identify Telangana as the best place to invest, how does that become a problem for you? Your narrow-minded thinking only exposes your inability to appreciate growth and innovation,” he said.